Phoenix Removable Bong Percolator

Original price was: 400,000 VNĐ.Current price is: 250,000 VNĐ.

🔥 The extra part to make your smoothness of your glyxerin bong increase to another level.
🔥 You can insert and detach it easily with plastic keck clip lock.
🔥 Length : 15cm
🔥 2 available percs :
    💨  Arm Percs
    💨  Showerhead Percs
      𝑃𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒 : 400.000 VNĐ

Lọc Rời Boong Mối Phoenix Phoenix Removable Bong Percolator
Phoenix Removable Bong Percolator

Original price was: 400,000 VNĐ.Current price is: 250,000 VNĐ.